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Hello, my name is XuanYun. 14 this year, currently studying in EVGSS 2 Integrity. This would be my literature blog.



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Sunday, September 18, 2011
Learning Log 7

We had our Romeo and Juliet performance last friday and I can say that it was quite successful. We did like what we had practiced and although there were some minor mistakes here and there, we still did a good job. We put in a lot of efforts into this play , whenever we have time, we would gather everyone and practice together, even if it means using our holidays to practice. It's a relieve that our efforts paid off and we ended this with a good performance.

On that day, we were really nervous, we did everything we could last minute to perfect it. We prepared the props, had practices, it was chaotic before the performance on that day. Still, it's was a fun experience. When it was our turn to perform, I started to get really anxious even though I did not have a big role in this play, I'm just a dancer. Thankfully, every member remembered their placements and timing to go in and out, although some members forgot their lines, I think the performance is still good.

Through this play, I learnt a lot, like the emotions and actions in acting. Even just one hand gesture can show your emotions. I would recommend this play to the juniors as I'm sure they can learn many things and show their talents in acting. This is a really fun and good experience and if there is a chance, I might want to try it again.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Learning Log 6

I have learnt a lot of literary devices that are really helpful in studying literature. There are some literary devices that we have already learnt in Secondary 1 and from that experience, I know that it would be really difficult to memorise all of it especially since that there is more now. Also, there are some words that I have never seen before like oxymoron, hyperbole and paradox. But after the lesson, I finally understood the meaning of all these words.

Like oxymoron, it means a single image or idea, made up of contradictory/incongruent images. Hyperbole, it means a deliberate exaggeration to emphasize a point or feelings. Lastly, paradox means a statement which seems self-contradictory, but turns out to make a good sense. It is quite confusing to differentiate some of the literary devices like simple sentence, complex sentence and incomplete sentence, but after more practice, I am sure that I would be able to differentiate it fully.

Overall, with these literary devices, it helps a lot in studying and understanding. Although it might be difficult to memorise it all, I believe that we would be able to do it since we did the same thing during Secondary 1.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Learning Log 5

I have learnt that an 'unseen' poem or prose passage is simple one that I may not have read before and even if I have, I probably have not had the chance to work through it in detail. When approaching an Unseen Prose Passage, we should read it at least three times. First reading, we should read it swiftly to get an idea of what the text is about. Second reading, we should get a better understanding of what is going on and observe the mood and the setting. Third reading, we should first take a brief look at the questions on the text. Annotate the text as we read, and make notes in the margins.

I have learnt that when answering a question, we should read the poem/passage an question properly instead of rushing through it and underline the key words. We should use our own words whenever possible and quote from the text. We should also use PEEL, which stands for Point, Explain Elaborate, Evidence Example and lastly, Link.

In quoting, we should use the ABC method which stands for Attention, Brief and Context. The words and phrases that draw our attentions are the ones to pick. We should also keep the quotation short so that it does not look like a 'cut and paste' job. Also, contextualise our evidence to show that we have a good understanding of the text.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Learning Log 4

Through the Macbeth performance, i realised that having teamwork, cooperation and confidence were really important to make the performance good. There were Kaiyisah and Ken in my group. We did not have much time to practice as we could not find a day when we are all free so I was not really prepared and we were the first group to perform. I was really nervous and did not dare to look to the front and I did not even tried to mimic the witch voice as I could not really think of anything at that time, my mind just went blank Also, there were some mistakes, I forgot one of the line which makes me feels guilty for screwing up the group's performance and while we were performing, Kaiyisah played the thunder sound effect from her phone and when the effect ended, it automatically went to the next song which was the 'Pikachu' sound. We were all shocked at first and did not know what happened but after that we laughed together.

All other groups' performance were great, I can see that they really put in a lot of effort for the performance looking at their props, outfit and make-ups. Some even prepared backgrounds and sound effects which really helps to make the atmosphere eerie. They were able to mimic the witch voice's well especially some people like Akmal and Melvin.

I think that our performance could be improved. We could have prepared more props instead of buying and also have more practices to prevent mistakes. We could also have some backgrounds to add to the atmosphere. I should not be too nervous too and be natural and have confidence instead so that I would not make mistakes like forgetting my lines.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Learning Log 3

Mrs Woo divided us into groups of 3 for the presentation for Act 1 Scene 1 using her number selector and I got into the same group as Kaiyisah and Ken. I think it would be quite embarrassing and scary for me to be standing in front of the class presenting using the high or low pitched sound but with Kaiyisah and Ken in the group, I hope we can perform better as they can express themselves very well and would not scared of being embarrassed . So, they would be a good influence to me and with that, I hope that the presentation would turn out to be quite good and would not have too many mistakes.

For the lesson on Act 1 Scene 2, I find it very difficult to understand. Without the modern text, I think I would not be able to understand as the original text is quite confusing. I had to ask my friends and read the story repeatedly so as to fully understand the story.

For the discussion on comic grids, we did not really discussed much as I was the only girl in the group so I did not talk much as I felt the atmosphere to be quite awkward. But still, I managed to see some of their ideas and better understand what to write for the sentences. So in the end, we stuck to our own dialogues.

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Learning Log 2

Seeing some of my classmates demostrating in front of the whole class, i realise that we need a lot of courage to be able to mimic the voice of the witch. When we try to mimic the voice, the whole class would be laughing and you would feel very embarrassed. Most of the people who went up did not really dare to make the high pitched voice but some of the people made the voice and although it is funny, at least they have the courage to do so.

When discussing about the superstitions with my group members, some of the superstitions were really interesting like stepping on a crack would break your mother's back. The presentations of different groups were very good as they spoke loud and clear, also the presentation makes me realise that there were a lot of superstitions which i did not know. Some were very scary like if a person dies with open eyes, it means that he/she is waiting for some other relatives to die with him/her and if a bird flies into your room it means that someone in the house is going to die soon. There were a lot of interesting ones too, like when u sneeze, someone is thinking about you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Learning Log 1 

I have learnt that a cinquain is a five-line poem and the French word cinq which means five.
The first line is the title which include one word.
The second line is the description which include two words.
The third line is the actions which include three words.
The fourth line is the feeling which include four words.
And lastly, the fifth line is the reflection on title and it include only one word.

I think that the lessons needs a lot of teamwork as we get into groups to do our assignment and think together. This requires cooperation and without that, we would not be able to complete our assignment. Also, we needs to have respect to all the group member who give their opinions and contributing to the group.

I suggest that maybe we could play some games in order to make the lessons more interesting and can have more group work.